Monday, October 18, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Nights

Photography by Bev Iannucci

All Miller-Driscoll students will find a beautiful warm WELCOME to our Pumpkin Carving Nights as they walk past the window of the Outdoor Learning Center. The children are so excited when they are walking past the cheerful exhibit to their classes. Pam Nobumoto brought the wreath, mums, cornstalks, haystack, pumpkins, and boots to decorate the stage of the OLC. As always, the Key Club assisted the Tiffany Tecce Family and the PTA in cleaning out the pumpkins which some parents had ordered and were ready to be carved. Our families were asked to bring a cleaned out pumpkin, carving tools, flashlight , and a donation for the Wilton Food Pantry to replenish the Food Pantry shelves.
Debbie Lynch, Stephanie Gordon, Mimi Fredericks and Sarah Simmons planned the evening activities and represented the PTA. The PTA team of mothers planned to supervise each evening and orchestrate the serving of the Popcorn and Apple Cider.