Thursday, October 7, 2010

Outdoor Learning Center

Kindergarten Students studying the Five Senses at the Outdoor Learning Center
Photography by Bev Iannucci

Our award winning Outdoor Learning Center was recently visited by a team of Ridgefield teachers and parents interested in developing an Outdoor Learning Center. The team was eager to see how curriculum lessons can be supported in a natural habitat, promoting authentic learning experiences. Our wonderful OLC volunteers; Jennifer Hulse, Laura Martins, Pam Nobumoto, Laurie Pierro, Janet Siegel and Nicole Thornbough spent a rainy day preparing for the visit by raking, planting and placing pumpkins and mums to welcome our visitors. Jen, Pam and Nicole then graciously participated in the presentation and tour of the OLC.
The OLC has been honored by being named as the BEST outdoor schoolyard
habitat in Connecticut by the National Wildlife Federation. The OLC notably incorporates nature and the environment into the Miller-Driscoll curricula. Our Science Instructional Leader Jane Giresi uses the OLC when teaching Kindergarten students in experiments exploring the Five Senses.
We were all privileged when Erin Woolard, the original designer of the OLC, gave a presentation to the group describing the vision and early beginnings of the OLC. Erin beautifully detailed the purpose and the dream of providing a natural environment for learning for all our Miller-Driscoll students.
Our entire Miller-Driscoll community sincerely appreciates that this beautiful resource for our students is maintained all year by our generous OLC volunteers.